The Sky Soldiers Foundation Scholarship Fund seeks to provide support to applicants embarking in post high school education and displaying the potential to earn either technical, associate, undergraduate or post graduate degrees from accredited educational institutions, community colleges, colleges or universities.
The scholarship sponsor is required to be a member in good standing with the 173d Airborne Brigade Association or KIA. To qualify for a scholarship you must either be a Sky Soldier on active duty, a veteran Sky Soldier, a Gold Star spouse or their direct descendant. All other applicants must have a sponsor who is serving or has served with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, and the applicant is either the sponsoring Sky Soldiers spouse, child, grandchild or great grandchild. Relationship proof is required. Scholarship awards are limited to one per person in perpetuity. Details on the 2025 Foundation Scholarship Application process will be contained in a email that will be sent to all 173d Association members. The email is our notification that updated process details and the application form are available on our website.